I'm creating a timeline of the events that happened in the series. I will be adding dates/numbers that are mentioned and any other random notes I gather. Sorry for any spelling mistakes.
Chapter IV: Woe What a Night[]
The episode opens with the coroner's office.
Coroner - Medical Examiner[]
- Jericho County Coroner - Medical Examiner: Dr. R. Anwar Coroner
- Thing covers the camera with black bubblegum.
- Wednesday looks for Fabian's corpse.
- Unnamed man on refrigerated slab #001
- Unnamed man refrigerated slab #005
- Thing goes to make photocopies of the body.
- Fabian is found on refrigerated slab #008.
- Wednesday said that it was Thursday at 7:23 p.m.
- Fabian was 50 years old.
- It's been a busy couple of weeks.
- Friday is Reggie's last day.
- Wednesday hides on refrigerated slab #012.
Dorm pt. 1[]
- It's morning now.
- Olivia Davis (a name Wednesday suspects is fake) is seen on her board, alongside Ethan Hanson.
- "Turns out all of the monster’s victims have had body parts surgically removed. The first one a kidney, the second a finger... Third a gall bladder. And the bearded man from the meeting house, two toes."
- Enid passes out from the gorey photos. This is not the first time she has passed out, as Wednesday says to get the smelling salts again.
- Small observation: A bunch of the extras last seen in the greenhouse have been switched out with new people.
- The Rave'N is mentioned.
- There are 20 students in her class:
- Unnamed unknown outcast student #1
- Unnamed unknown outcast student #2
- Unnamed unknown outcast student #3
- Unnamed unknown outcast student #4
- Yoko Tanaka
- Enid Sinclair
- Kent
- Unnamed unknown outcast student #5
- Unnamed unknown outcast student #6
- Unnamed unknown outcast student #7
- Unnamed vampire student #1
- Unnamed unknown outcast student #8
- Unnamed unknown outcast student #9
- Unnamed vampire student #2
- Wednesday Addams
- Xavier Thorpe
- Bianca Barclay
- Divina
- Unnamed werewolf student #1
- Ajax Petropulos
- The Rave'N is happening on Saturday.
- MC Blood Suckaz is mentioned in class.
Xavier's Art Studio pt. 1[]
- Wednesday and Thing go into Xavier's art studio.
- Wednesday found a bunch of paintings of the monster.
- Wednesday is caught by Xavier when she exits his art studio.
- Her cover story is that she was going to ask him about the homework Thornhill gave out, except that she didn't give out homework.
- Wednesday "shadowed a crime scene photographer last summer."
- Xavier then asks if it's about the dance, and Wednesday goes along with it.
Dorm pt. 2 + Hawte Kewture + Uriah's Heap[]
- Enid is excited that Wednesday is going to the dance.
- Wednesday and Enid go to Hawt Kewture, with Wednesday refusing to go inside.
- Enid goes into the store, and Wednesday leaves.
- She walks by Uriah's Heap, where she and Thing spot a gothic black dress.
- Kinbott exits Uriah's Heap.
Sheriff's Office pt. 1[]
- Wednesday gives Donovan Xavier's drawing of the monster, which matches the picture taken by the camera Fabian stole.
- Donovan gets a call from the Mayor for an update.
- Donovan tells Wednesday that if she can find better evidence, they'll work together.
- Enid, Yoko, and Divina are sitting in a booth when Lucas walks in.
- Lucas asks to talk to Enid; Divina and Yoko leave the booth and sit in another booth facing Enid near the back wall. They keep an eye on the situation.
- Lucas "recently split from cheer captain Chrissy Smothers. Cute brunette who needs to rethink her spray tan."
- Enid follows half of Lucas' grade on TikTok.
- Lucas says that he has a friend that works in Hawte Kewture who overheard Enid on the hunt for a date.
After Leaving the Sheriff's Office[]
- Tyler and Wednesday talk, and Tyler says that he thought that they liked each other.
Hummers Hive + Monster Cave pt. 1[]
- Wednesday moved her murder board to the Hummers shed because Enid wouldn't let her keep it in the dorm.
- Mr. Fitts banned Eugene from going bug hunting.
- Eugene knows where the cave is.
- Wednesday and Eugen go to the cave and find a talon that belonged to the monster.
Xavier's Art Studio pt. 2[]
- Wednesday goes to collect evidence that Xavier is the monster when Xavier catches her.
- Xavier reveals that the creature has been haunting his dreams for the past couple of weeks.
- Xavier finds out that Wednesday was snooping in his art studio before he caught her and that she had no intention of asking him to the Rave'N.
Sheriff's Office pt. 2[]
- Inez Bloom keeps calling the mayor, saying that there are lights at the old Gates house.
- Wednesday goes to Donovan to give him the evidence she found.
- Donovan asks Bernice to give him DNA forms so that he can send the evidence to a lab to find out if they are matches.
- Eugene was rejected by Enid and didn't have a date for the dance.
- Wednesday, now out of a date, suggests that they stake out the cave and identify the monster.
- Bianca asks Xavier to the dance after hearing that he's free.
Dorm pt. 3[]
- Thing uses Wednesday's typewriter to type Tyler a note, asking him to the Rave'N
- Thing then leaves that note in Tyler's tip jar.
At the Rave'N[]
- Marilyn is greeting students at the entrance.
- Xavier and Bianca show up together.
- Ajax and an unnamed girl show up together.
- Larissa is greeting students inside.
- MC Blood Suckaz is DJing the party.
Dorm pt. 4[]
- Wednesday is preparing to go look at the cave when she hears a knock at her door.
- She thinks it's Eugene, but when she opens the door, it's Tyler.
- Thing stole the dress from Uriah's Heap for Wednesday to wear.
- Wednesday changes into her dress.
Nevermore Hall[]
- Tyler is seen looking at a picture in the display case. The picture is of the fencing team.
- Eugene sees Wednesday with Tyler and says he'll go investigate alone. Wednesday tells him that they will investigate tomorrow night.
Rave'N pt. 1[]
- Enid is with Lucas.
- Yetis went extinct in the 1950s.
- Enid accidentally spills stuff on Lucas.
- Xavier is still sulking over Wednesday.
- Wednesday and Tyler arrive at the dance, with everyone turning heads to look at Wednesday.
- Ms. Thornhill likes "Double-cap, no foam, two pumps of sugar-free vanilla."
- Lucas is in a group chat with Jonah and Carter.
- Enid watches pro hockey.
- Enid likes the movie Kung Fu Panda.
Monster Cave pt. 2[]
- Eugene went to explore the cave by himself. When he gets to the cave, it's 9:00 p.m.
Rave'N pt. 2[]
- Wednesday leaves the dance after Xavier tells her that Tyler and his "friends assaulted him and destroyed his mural on Outreach Day."
- Tyler admits that he did a little digging on who Wednesday was after they first met.
- Jonah and Carter pull up with a truck full of red paint.
- Wednesday did her famous dance.
- Lucas left to go to Jonah and Carter.
- Xavier asks Bianca to take off her amulet and make him forget about Wednesday. Xavier had broken up with Bianca because he thought she was manipulating him with her siren song.
- Jonah, Lucas, and Carter enter red paint into the sprinkler system.
Monster Cave pt. 3[]
- Eugene states that it's now 10:42 p.m.
- A car pulls up to the cave, and a person is seen with a can of gasoline and a molative. The person sees Eugene, shines their flashlight on him, and they flee the scene.
- Eugene makes a run for it.
Rave'N pt. 3[]
- Bianca is seen sitting outside of the dance.
- "Whoever invented high heels clearly had a side hustle as a torturer." - Wednesday
- "As my dear mother always says, "Fire tests gold, suffering tests a woman."" - Bianca
- A siren's amulet is not foolproof. "It’s a mild prophylactic, so to speak."
Monster Cave pt. 4[]
- Eugene ran away from the monster cave.
Rave'N pt. 4[]
- Marilyn is seen approaching Larissa.
- It's almost 11:00 p.m.
- Jonah is seen pulling the fire alarm, releasing the red paint.
- Someone bumps into Wednesday, and she gets a vision of Eugene being attacked.
- Enid confronts Lucas.
- Ajax tells Jonah and Carter to leave her alone.
- Ajax reveals that he stoned himself, and they kiss.
Monster Cave pt. 5[]
- Eugene is seen hiding behind a tree when he hears the roar of the monster.
- Eugene goes to run, trips, and is attacked by the monster.
- Wednesday is seen looking for Eugene, calling out his name.
- Wednesday gets to Eugene right after the monster attacks him.
Thursday Night[]
- The episode starts on a Thursday around 7:20 p.m. At least a week has passed since the last episode.
- Wednesday asks Xavier to go to the Rave'N then Thing asks Tyler to go to the Rave'N, pretending to be Wednesday.
Friday Night[]
- Enid mentions that Wednesday snuck out last night.
Saturday Night[]
- Rave'N happens today.
- Yetis went extinct in the 1950s.
- When Eugene gets to the cave, it's 9:00 p.m.
- When the car pulls up, Eugene states that it's now 10:42 p.m.
- When MC Blood Suckaz makes an announcement, it's almost 11:00 p.m.
- Eugene is injured by the monster.
For more timelines[]
- Timeline of Chapter I: Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe
- Timeline of Chapter II: Woe Is the Loneliest Number
- Timeline of Chapter III: Friend or Woe
- Timeline of Chapter IV: Woe What a Night
- Timeline of Chapter V: You Reap What You Woe
- Timeline of Chapter VI: Quid Pro Woe
- Timeline of Chapter VII: If You Don't Woe Me By Now
- Timeline of Chapter VIII: A Murder of Woes
- Complete Wednesday series Timeline