We don't know, yet. I've been theorizing that Morningsong storyline will be part of the main plot of season 2. They wouldn't have introduced them and Bianca's mother if it weren't important in the future. I believe that its leader, Gideon, will be the main antagonist and is the misterious person who texted Wednesday in the final scene of season 1. Reason? Well, it was said that Gabrielle wants Bianca to return to Morning Song, and Gideon is her step-father. So my guess is that Gideon is targeting everyone who has a conection with Bianca as a way to blackmail and force her to return to Morning Song.
And Tyler? Well, he transformed and escaped from that patrol. Maybe Gideon is planning to use him for his own benefit, and then Wednesday will face him again and in the end maybe she'll set him free or become his new master